Freelancer One Pager - Show portfolio & sell your services.

Everything a freelancer needs, compactly placed on a SINGLE page. Click here to preview the template!

Whether you are a photographer, designer, or anything else - this template is made for you.

The Freelancer One Pager has a modern, eye-catching, slick design. It includes 5 key sections and is fully customizable to your needs.

All features are listed below:

1. Email collector

-Placed in the top header for people to see immediately
-Used to gather leads, sell offers, lead magnets, etc.

2. Short about me section
-Placed in the top header for people to see immediately
-Lets people know who you are and what you do as soon as they visit

3. Recent work portfolio

-Show off your skills and capabilities with past work

-Attract clients with eye-catching visuals

4. Service and pricing section

Detail about the services you offer

Price your services

Link to a payment URL or the contact form

5. Contact form

-Easily collect client information

-Fully customizable form fields

-Connects to almost every form service (Formspark, Mailchimp, etc.) with -ZERO code required

6. Links to socials in header and footer

-Grow a social media audience

-Stay connected with your clients

(Includes simple 404 page)

Payments are secure and encrypted